Reaching a Zero-Carbon Future in Procurement and Business Travel

Reaching a Zero-Carbon Future in Procurement and Business Travel

Businesses have a responsibility to reduce their environmental impact, and that includes reducing emissions from procurement and travel. Many companies are looking for ways to reach a zero-carbon future in these areas, and there are some key technologies and strategies they can use to make this happen.

In this article, we will explore the steps businesses can take to reach a zero-carbon future in their procurement and business travel programs. We will analyze key technologies for achieving this goal and examine what strategies companies can take now to work toward a zero-carbon future.

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Technologies to Adopt Now for a Zero-Carbon Future

Reducing emissions from procurement and travel is critical to reaching the Paris Agreement goals. While there are many ways to reduce emissions, here are some of the most important technologies procurement departments can use to monitor and reduce emissions:

  • Automation and document digitization tools
  • Supplier sustainability intelligence software
  • Sustainability reporting and sourcing solutions
  • Sustainable transportation technology (e.g., electric vehicles)
  • Routing and transportation demand optimization tools
  • Green building materials
  • Renewable energy sourcing solutions

Each of these technologies can help businesses reduce their carbon emissions and work toward a zero-carbon future. Procurement departments should begin to adopt these technologies as soon as possible to make the biggest impact.

Strategies for Reaching a Zero-Carbon Future in Procurement

Procuring products and services from environmentally friendly sources is an important way to reduce emissions. There are several online directories and rating systems that can help businesses find sustainable products, such as the EPA’s Green Power Partner Program or the Sustainable Procurement Resource Center.

Green procurement policies can also help businesses make sustainability a priority when making purchasing decisions. Policies can be tailored to meet the specific needs of a company, and they can include guidelines for things like product weight, energy use, and emissions.

To make sure that sustainable products are being used, companies should consider implementing green procurement audits. These audits can help identify areas where more sustainable products could be used and ensure that policies are being followed.

Another important strategy for reducing emissions from procurement is to work with suppliers to reduce their environmental impact. Many companies have started working with their suppliers to develop sustainability targets, which can help reduce emissions from both sides. Supplier sustainability assessments can also help identify areas where improvements can be made.

Strategies for Reaching a Zero-Carbon Future in Business Travel

Business travel is a major source of emissions, so it’s important to adopt strategies to reduce its impact. One way to do this is to encourage employees to telecommute or take video calls instead of traveling for meetings. Another is to use video conferencing tools that don’t require travel, such as Skype for Business.

If travel is necessary, there are steps the procurement function can take to ensure travelers use the most sustainable methods of transportation available. Many travel sourcing solutions now include dashboards that display emissions information about different modes of travel—even for specific flights.

Ideally, travel procurement professionals can use this information to choose modes of travel that have fewer carbon emissions, such as rail. They should also be able to book more direct flights, find lodging providers that meet the company's sustainability standards, and use incentives to encourage travelers to make sustainable choices while on the road.

Staying Aware of Zero-Carbon Opportunities

Given the current business landscape and the available resources to procurement departments, achieving zero-carbon status won't happen overnight. However, there are already multiple strategies for starting down the path toward a zero-carbon future.

Many companies are already setting zero-carbon objectives for their travel programs, as well as for their entire organizations. For example, Microsoft plans to be not only carbon neutral but "carbon negative" by 2030.

Using a combination of technology, strategy, and policy, procurement leaders can ensure their operations are as sustainable as possible. They can also ensure they stay aware of any new developments in sustainable technology, so these tools can be adopted as soon as possible when they become available.

To learn more about how to bring your procurement department to a zero-carbon future, don't miss the next ProcureCon Travel event. It's happening from June 13th to 14th at the Omni Rancho Las Palmas, Rancho Mirage, California.

Download the agenda today.

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