Marc Koehler | ProcureCon Travel

ProcureCon Travel 2025

May 13 - 15, 2025

JW Marriott LA LIVE

Marc Koehler

former U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine Commander Marc Koehler Speaks

Marc Koehler, former U.S. Navy Nuclear Submarine Officer and turnaround CEO, is a rare blend of expertise, engagement, and 35 years of battle-tested experience in Elite Leadership. Marc’s experience in the nuclear submariner service as well as the business world has led him to become one of the foremost experts on Elite Leadership – a relevant and achievable approach to leadership for this new, disruptive world. His leadership development and research firm, Lead With Purpose, has developed over 51,000 leaders through the company’s SHRM-accredited organizational leadership consulting, coaching, courses, and simple systems.

Day 2: Thursday May 15th

1:35 PM Working Group: Course Correct to Success.

This session is all about decision making under ambiguity with plenty of key action items that can be implemented immediately. 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Marc.

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